Dark underarms are a cause of embarrassment among women. Many of them refrain from wearing sleeveless tops because they don't want to be humiliated when someone sees them. However, there are easy tips that will be able to help you eliminate nasty underarms. It is also important to note that the best way to avoid having this dilemma is to prevent it from happening.
Almond Oil is an excellent light moisturizer on it's own with mild lightening properties that can also be used as a base to add several other lightening essential oils and spices to.Shaving your armpits will also keep the area cool, thus less sweating is experienced. What's even more humiliating than having armpits that are dripping with sweat is having body odor. When there's no hair, nothing will trap sweat, so bacterial formation is slowed down.
Taking a bath regularly will help in dissipating body heat. Your body will shut down your sweat glands if it finds that there's really no need to cool you down. In addition, regular bathing will also keep body odor at bay - something too much perspiring puts you at risk of having.
Dark clothes usually absorb heat and tight clothes restrict proper air flow in your underarm areas. It would also be wise to avoid clothes made with heavy material. If the weather permits so, avoid layering clothes. Changing clothes frequently is an effective way to stop underarm sweat, even if you are in a public place.

Lemon contains substances that help lighten your underarms. Rub lemon slices into your armpits, and let the skin absorb its citrusy goodness.