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Natural Home Remedies for Dental Abscess | How to Care for an Abscessed Tooth

Your toothache may be caused by dental cavity, gum soreness, teeth sensitivity or even stress. Dental cavity, with abscessed tooth, is the leading cause of toothache. With infection present in the tooth, it can create damage not only to the tooth and its roots but also to your gums.

The best cure for tooth pain is to remove its cause through regular dental checkups. This can best be achieved by putting yourself and your family on dental care insurance plans, which can be obtained at a low cost if you do your homework and compare plans before making a choice. Preventative care through fluoride treatment and cleaning can ensure that you and your dentist can get rid of potential problems before pain flares up, or find a quick remedy when it does.

If the tooth has an abscess, the dentist will treat it with antibiotics such as penicillin until the infection has decreased enough to extract the tooth. If that be the case, don't expect the dentist to do much for you besides prescribe antibiotics and a painkiller to help you out until the tooth can be treated.

Place a clove of garlic with a small amount of rock salt on the tooth that is bothering you and hold it there. This will alleviate any pain you are feeling in the tooth, and depending on the severity of the toothache it could also help cure it. Additionally, you should chew one clove of garlic a day to help strengthen your teeth. You can do the same with a piece of onion.

Treatment for an abscess in a tooth does not respond to any home remedies. You may find some degree of pain relief for an abscessed tooth through a home remedy but that home remedy is in no way addressing the source of the infection or the pain. Only a dentist is going to be able to provide any kind of relief for you. This relief comes in the form of draining the accumulated pus from the tooth and gum area.

Ice works by numbing the localized area by interrupting the pain signals the nerve cells transmits to the brain giving you temporary relief. It also reduces swelling and inflammation that arises from infection from abscesses. Simply place the ice inside a plastic bag, then wrap it into a handkerchief, place it on the affect area, this should be able to give you instant tooth relief before you visit the dentist.

Using a home remedy to help lessen or stop the pain of a toothache and then visiting your dentist to determine and treat the cause of the toothache can sometimes be the best choice in certain circumstances. Working in conjunction with a visit to your dentist, home toothache remedies not only work, but may well be an asset to your dental care. However, they should never replace seeing the dentist or be used in place of regular dental check ups.
To receive pain relief using Hydrogen Peroxide, take a swig of 3% (food grade) Hydrogen Peroxide and swish around the mouth like mouth wash, spit it out and rinse thoroughly several times afterward with water.

Iodine has been used since the early 20th century as a form of disinfectant for drinking water. When water comes from a contaminated source, it contains bacteria and iodine is effective at bacteria removal. This makes it useful for open wounds, as well. Simply place a drop of iodine of the tooth, but do not swallow it. Leave it for two minutes and then rinse mouth with water thoroughly.

A great many herbs and natural substances promote tooth and gum health by tightening the gum tissue, promoting circulation, and removing plaque and debris from the mouth. To name just a few, these include resins such as myrrh and the anti-viral bee product, propolys, which stimulates the production of new mouth tissues, usnea, a lichen stronger than penicillin against strep and staph bacteria, bloodroot, and plantain, a common weed which eases mouth abscesses and inflammation.