Are you worried and tensed about your smelly scalp? If yes then here are a few suggestions that you can keep in mind and make your scalp odorless. The most common reason for smelly scalp is the microbial growth. You can try these tips and get rid off your smelly scalp easily.
It is important that you keep your bathing essentials like your towel, pillowcase etc neat and clean. Also make sure that the comb or brush you are using for combing or brushing your hair is also washed and kept clean.You don't have to live without shampoo. You can still use your favorite shampoo if you want to. But you could cut down with how frequently you use it to wash your hair. How often you wash your hair is still a matter of preference, but it would be best that you limit your shampooing to once a week.
Your hair might also be itchy even if you do not have dandruff. This is most likely caused by an abundance of yeast in your body, and not because of dry skin as most people would believe. To remedy itchy scalp, use products with Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is a natural anti-fungal ingredient and is also known to be a scalp stimulant. Shampooing also helps exfoliate dead skin cells from the scalp that can cause build-up and itchiness.
Add a few drops of perfume into a spray bottle filled with water. Spritz hair all over. Or, apply a little bit of baby powder into your hair and brush it in.
Some people who normally don't have any issues with smelly hair find themselves scrambling for a solution after spending time at a smoky bar or club. Even staying in a house or car with a few smokers can be enough to leave your hair smelling like you are a chain smoker. The smell of smoke lingers in your hair long after you have changed your clothes and left the smoky scene, so you need to find a good way to get that smell out of your hair.
Smelly Scalp Syndrome is not a hygiene problem. Individuals with smelly scalps often wash their hair at least once daily - only to have the smell return and intensify as the day progresses. It if often thought that this condition is the result of poor nutrition or hormone imbalances. However, it is the growth of the bacteria that are responsible for this syndrome.
Eggs are made of protein and protein is great for your tresses. To use, simply mix the eggs until they are well beaten and then apply the mixture to your tresses and scalp. Leave it for thirty minutes and then wash it off with a natural shampoo.
Eggs are made of protein and protein is great for your tresses. To use, simply mix the eggs until they are well beaten and then apply the mixture to your tresses and scalp. Leave it for thirty minutes and then wash it off with a natural shampoo.